MaxxRamblings: Yesterday the Rajya Sabha passed the act which would help try the juvenile delinquents aged 16 - 18, for heinous crimes which is unbecoming of their age. Some say its historic, some say path breaking, epochal etc.. I say it is another example of ridiculous policy making. Absolute lack of foresight. Why? May you ask..
I am vehemently in agreement towards punishing the guilty juveniles, but this is pathetic. Why do we have to always mend rules after a tragedy strikes? Cant we be proactive and preemptive? How does it matter here? This particular law is being framed with the Nirbhaya(Jyoti Singh) case in mind where the person in question was 17yrs 11months at the time of committing the crime.
But what if the next rapist, serial killer, molester or terrorist is 15 yrs 11 months, would we r-amend the law to add 2 more years to it? Wake up guys, people mature differently due to genetic and environmental reasons.. If a guy can commit acts of perversion at the age of 10, try him for that... Let the court decide whether it was an deliberate and preconceived act or a on-the-spur, juvenile one.. Innocents should be spared, but perpetrators of dastardly crimes should be awarded exemplary punishments too. Especially important in a country like India, where breaking the law is a way of life and part of our daily chores..